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We all have hurts, hang-ups and habits that hinder our relationship with God and others. The SET FREE retreat is an opportunity to invite God to bring healing into your life, where you can experience His love, grace and forgiveness. Through worship, teaching, and small group interaction you will discover a freedom in your life that only God can bring. Don’t miss this opportunity to be SET FREE and experience a more fully alive life in Jesus. 

Here's what you need to know: 

Cost: $35 per person and includes Saturday's lunch, a variety of snacks, hot drinks, and retreat materials. The registration deadline is March 6 and payment is due upon online registration. 

When: March 8 -9  
Friday (5:30 - 9:30pm) (registration/arrival begins at 5:30pm; Session starts at 6pm) 
Saturday (8:15am – 5:15pm)​ 

Where: Vernon Alliance Church (2601 43rd Avenue) 

Who: Anyone 16+
 There’s a 99-person cap so make sure to sign up and reserve a spot 

What to bring: A Bible, journal and pen. 

