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Welcome to VAC Families!

Welcome to VAC Families! We exist to help Preschool (0-5) and elementary (K-Gr.5) aged kids discover God and their faith. Every weekend, Amy Fitchett, Pastor of Children's Ministry, and our VAC Families team create specific and exciting environments for your kids to discover God!

Colouring/Activity pages are available at the Welcome Desk during the services. Our preschool and elementary programs are available at both Sunday services. 

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Our programming runs at the 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning service:

Our weekend atmosphere for children aged 12 months to grade 5 is an ideal place for your child to learn about God and His teachings.

We are delighted to offer a comfortable room for parents and their children under the age of 12 months. A change table, rocking chairs, and age-appropriate toys are available. There is also a television, so you can participate in the service.

Our toddler and preschool program will engage children ages 12 months to 4 years through play, a biblical story, and a craft or activity. They are cared for in an attentive and safe environment.  We want to show kids Christ's love while also giving them room to explore and grow. Young children learn by doing, not sitting. Play is their work and as they play, they can experience God’s deep love for them.

Our elementary program, for children in Kindergarten through Grade 5, will engage them through music, Bible teaching, and small group activities. These activities aim to help them perceive God's profound love and make their faith their own. We seek to empower youngsters to take action! We are motivated to live out our faith because we love God. We want to see Vernon Alliance children spending time with God and each other, sharing their stories, and using their gifts.

For first-time registrations, please arrive at least 15 minutes before the service to register your family at the VAC Families desk located in the Fellowship Hall foyer. To provide the highest level of safety for your child, we are required to gather some important, basic information from you before you can leave your child with us.

Signing In
When you arrive at church, please check your children in before you sit down. There are iPad stations at the VAC Families desk. Once you have your children’s nametags printed out, you can put them on each child. This confirms to VAC Families volunteers that your child is signed in.

Signing Out 

Take your child's printed checkout tag (printed when you checked them in) to their classroom. If the code on your child's nametag matches the one on your tag, the VAC Families volunteers will scan it and release your child to you. When you check your children in, a new randomly generated automatic code is written on your tag and your child's nametag. If your child is enrolled in more than one class, keep your checkout tag to present at each one. If they are approved and produce the checkout tag, elder siblings (Grade 6 and higher) can also pick up children from classes. To add other permitted members to your family, speak with the Greeter at the VAC Families desk.

Children in the upstairs preschool classes will be picked up from their classes. Children in Kindergarten and grade 1 will be available for pick up from the hallway on the lower level, located by the Living Room (former library).

Children in Grades 2 to 5 are available for pick up at the Fellowship Hall foyer. Parents have the option to authorize their children in Grades 2-5 to check themselves out at the end of the service. Please ask the Greeter at the VAC Families desk about how to do this.

As a church, we do all we can to protect the vulnerable among us. That’s why we follow a Plan to Protect process to ensure all VAC staff and regular volunteers working with children, youth and vulnerable persons are fully trained and screened. Everyone in our VAC Families environments is either staff, scheduled volunteers, or parents/guardians with check-in or check-out codes.

We would like to take every precaution to minimize the spread of sicknesses in our children’s programming. If your child’s been sick/infectious in the last 48-72 hours, please keep them with you to protect the health of other children; our volunteers and staff have permission to decide if a child is too sick to stay at VAC Families programming.

If your child has allergies, just let us know at one of our Sign-in desks and we’ll make sure to include that info on your child’s name tag.

No outside food or drinks are allowed in our preschool and elementary classrooms. Preschool classes are given animal crackers and water during snack time.

We want to support parents and work with them to maximize the spiritual influence they have in their children’s lives. We take seriously the responsibility of coming alongside parents to partner with them in their child’s spiritual formation.

We want to communicate the Gospel well, in fun and engaging ways that capture the imaginations and hearts of the children with the truth that is both relatable and applicable.

Our goal is to connect every child to their peers and a caring leader who understands the impact and value that their opinions and attention have on a child’s spirituality and character development.

We want to open kids' eyes to the world around them by giving them opportunities to learn about and partner with different organizations and needs in our area and with various international workers and partnerships.

Here are some positions to consider:

1. Greeter

2. Preschool Teacher

3. Preschool Junior Leader

4. Elementary Small Group Leader

5. Elementary Storyteller

Please visit our Serve page for full descriptions and the application form. 

New to VAC Families?

If you're new to VAC Families or need to update your information - please fill out the form(s) below!

VAC Families Registration Form
Parent & Tot Drop-In
Thursdays from 9am-Noon

Parents & caregivers - join us for a free drop-in playtime for you and your pre-schoolers! Invite a friend or come and make new ones!*

Location: Upstairs Pre-school Classrooms


Child Dedications
Committing to Jesus

If you are interested in dedicating your child, or would like more information, please fill out a Child Dedication Information Sheet, or contact Amy at

Our next Child Dedication service is Sunday, May 11, Mother's Day.
Let Amy know by May 1, 2025

Learn More
Little Shoots, Deep Roots
Committing to Jesus

Christie Thomas is a mom, pastor, author, and she has created Little Shoots, Deep Roots.
The Little Shoots, Deep Roots community is all about leading our kids to a deeper Christian faith through little faith habits, without feeling like you have to know it all or do it all. We’re about making family faith fun and simple so that your kids love it, and you can feel confident that you're nurturing deep faith roots in your family. Download "Start Little"

Download the free Parent Cue App

Have questions? I'd love to hear from you!

As the Pastor of Children's Ministry here at Vernon Alliance, I would love to hear from you regarding any questions you might have! Let me know how I can assist you in getting connected here at VAC Families.

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