5 members of our VAC Community share 1 specific way they have been asking God to work in their life, and how God has answered that prayer. Meet them below.
5 members of our VAC Community share 1 specific way they have been asking God to work in their life, and how God has answered that prayer. Meet them below.
I'm Alison Friesen, a mom of two small kids, paramedic and wife of the worship pastor at Vernon Alliance. I'm enjoying this homemaker season of life - you'll often find me cooking, baking or creating handmade crafts and stuffed animal tea parties.
My name is Jill Halvorson and I graduated from high school last Spring. I have the privilege of serving in our worship and student ministries!
North American Ambassador, Church Renewal. Lorraine & I are the North American Ambassadors for Church Renewal, with primary focus to equip church leaders to disciple their people for greatest impact in & through the local church
Marieke is a recent import from the coast who enjoys being outside in the sun, snow & wind. She was done with the rain.
I’m Caleb, a young adult navigating life and carpentry. I love the intimacy with God that I’m able to have in this season of life and hope to share some my experiences with you.