We believe God is calling us to be a church that embodies the good news throughout the Okanagan. This will mean being a church of action and words. Our neighbours can’t find life in Jesus if they don’t know who he is or what he’s done. And they can’t know him if they haven’t heard about him.

So, our idea this spring is to plant seeds of good news by initiating dialogue and asking good questions. Over a period of 4 weeks (April 13th to May 12th), we are inviting you to stretch yourself having personal faith conversations with people around you who may not know Jesus yet.

Here’s what we are inviting you into:



Identify people in your life who might be open to spiritual conversations. Pray about it and ask God to help point you in the right direction. You might even think about the various places you spend your time and who is there with you.

The people I work out with at the gym, friends at school, my aunt who I phone each week, the neighbours on my block.


Sometimes a good question just stays with us. One good starter question can organically lead to a deeper question.


  • If beginning a relationship with God was like a trip from here to YVR where do you think you would be in your journey?
  • Do you have any experience with faith? Do you have any experiences of being a part of a faith community?
  • Would you describe yourself as a spiritual persons? How do you nurture that aspect of your life?
  • Do you believe your life has a purpose or are we a happy accident?
  • Have you had any experiences that make you wonder if there is more to life than what you see?

It’s been said you repeat what you measure. Goals capture our hearts and minds. So how many conversations might you like to have in 28 days? Is one a stretch goal? Might you ask God for three meaningful conversations or even five? Set a goal for how many spiritual conversations you might have and keep track!

  1. Write down on your ‘seeds card’ answers to each of the categories described above (Don’t have a ‘seeds card’? Download it at the bottom of page.)

  2. Begin your days, or conclude your evenings, prayerfully considering where God might be leading you to have a spiritual conversation.

  3. Encourage the rest of your church family by digitally recording that you’ve had a conversation or go to the seed wall in person at a weekend service. For every spiritual seed planted we will plant a physical seed on a seed wall in our lobby. The more conversations we have, the more evidence we will see growing on the wall. Looking at how God’s physically made the world teaches us much about how He spiritually interacts with us. Also, we want to hand out the seedlings on Mother’s Day for ongoing blessing of these stretches of faith.

"I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow."

1 Corinthians 3:6-7